The Board of Directors of the National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) called on its registrants and the industry to contact members of Congress about the first-month purchase option for power mobility devices.
NRRTS submitted written testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee expressing the organization’s deep concern with President Bush’s proposal to eliminate the “first-month purchase option” for PMDs provided to Medicare beneficiaries.
In an e-mail dated Feb. 22, 2207, NRRTS encouraged its registrants and friends of NRRTS to contact members of Congress expressing concerns about the proposal to force all PMDs to be rented for 13 months and its impact on the clients served. “Special attention should be given to House members who sit on the Ways and Means Committee,” said Simon Margolis, NRRTS executive director. “This committee has already begun their scrutiny of President Bush’s proposed budget.”
NRRTS, founded in 1992, is a national organization with more than 800 registrants. NRRTS assures its registrants meet the highest standards of professionalism, experience, knowledge and continuing education in providing complex seating and wheeled mobility products and services to people with significant disabilities.