An advanced preview of some of the noteworthy exhibits at this year’s Medtrade Fall:
Officers and board members of the National Association of Independent Medical Equipment Suppliers will be on-hand at its booth, where the association will be conducting a red state/blue state straw election of the presidential candidates’ parties. Booth 1560.
Brightree will be showing off the latest release of its Internet-based HME business management software. Every half hour, Brightree will be letting providers “test drive” Release 20 of its software offering, which the company says comes with an array of integrated features for enhancing HME/DME productivity and profitability. Booth 2661.
UPS Logistics Technologies will exhibit its route planning and GPS tracking tools for reducing transportation expenses.The company’s Roadnet Anywhere offers a web-based platform to help small– to mid-size HME businesses increase efficiency and improve bottom line savings. Booth 4130.
Juzo USA will be showcasing new seasonal colors for its DreamSleeve garments and gauntlets, which are made with its lightweight 2000 Soft material. Juzo will also debut its flat knit custom garments in new blue, red, gray and dark blue hues. Additionally, the company will be exhibiting its new Silver Helastic flat knit garments that offer a antimicrobial compression solution for maintaining healthy skin while managing Venous Insufficiency or Lymphedema issues. Booth 2965.
Fastrack Healthcare Systems Inc. will be unveiling its new touch screen enabled Point of Sale system, Real Time order confirmation right from the patient’s home utilizing cellular based devices that now also includes Fastrack’s Point of Care feature for respiratory therapists, and batch eligibility for Medicare, Medicaid & insurance companies which allows the provider to select a date range of upcoming rental or recurring supply orders and have the system check eligibility for all of these patients at one time. Booth 1235.
Mangar USA will be showing its new luxury grab bars, which it touts as “The grab bar that does not look like a grab bar.” In addition, Mangar will have its Comfort Bather, Surfer Bather and ARCHIMEDES bath lifts, as well as its lifting cushion and CAMEL will also be on display. Booth 617.
Computer Applications Unlimited Inc. will raise the curtain on its new Web-based HME software at the show. CAU says its new offering will give HME providers yet another software choice based on its long-standing HME software. Booth 416.
Blue Chip Medical will highlight its pressure mapping system, which it says is the proof caregivers need in an era of increasingly stringent Medicare criteria to ensure proper service and product selection. The system aims to increase clinical outcomes while enhancing reimbursement and value. Booths 1845/1944.
CHAD Therapeutics is inviting providers to experience its new look and feel, to take advantage of its money-saving Medtrade specials, and learn about the latest conserver added to our product line-up. Booth 3162.
Patient mobility product maker Ergolet will be exhibiting its patient aids, such as lifts, hoists, stands, chairs, track systems and patient trolleys, which have had a strong presence in the European market. The Danish company is increasing its North American distribution after its by Minneapolis-based Liberty Diversified Industries (LDI). Booth 3652.
The Furniss Corporation (Formerly Mckelor Technologies, Ltd) will be showcasing its continuous passive motion devices for both lower and upper extremities, including its DC2480 Knee CPM, Phoenix Knee CPM Series and MTL2470 Shoulder CPM. The devices are designed to assist the orthopedic patient following trauma or surgery. Furniss Corp will also provides disposable medical softgoods to the rehabilitation therapy market. Booth 2848.
Pride’s Quantum Rehab division will be showcasing its new Q614, which it says focuses on performance and maneuverability while keeping an eye on value. The chair features in-line motors and ATX Suspension, and is compatible with a range of seating and electronics options including the new Q-Logic NE and NE+ controllers. Quantum Rehab adds the Q614 offers coverage in the Group 3 Standard, Single Power, and Multiple Power codes. Booth 1921.
New for Medtrade, The Compliance Team Inc., which is approved by CMS to accredit all type of DMEPOS businesses, will introduce its Exemplary Provider Accreditation Program for Diagnostic Sleep Labs. The Compliance Team says the program offers an all-inclusive alternative to AASM and JCAHO accreditation. Booth 1652.
SoftAid says its staffing its booth with account mangers, project managers, and sales personnel that will be presenting four live training sessions, and four live demo sessions using its theater style seating. The demos will showcase SoftAid’s software product and its functionality. Better yet, the company will be giving away 8 Gig iPod Nanos. Booth 549.
Bruno Independent Living Aids will highlight a new covered, outdoor version of its Electra-Ride Elite stairlift, which uses a weather-resistant cover system to easily cover the system via two levers when not in use. The seat, arms and footrest also flip up to let friends and family use the stairs, as well. Booth 2724.
Noble House will unveil release 10 of Noble*Direct, which provides Comprehensive HME patient billing and practice management software. With “all-in-one” pricing, Noble House says the package includes the largest number of payors accepting electronic claims submission, automatic posting of ERN payments, online patient eligibility, document scanning and retrieval, inventory control, automatic recurring orders, and a QuickBooks interface. Booth 3438.
Mobility solutions manufacturer Stander will introduce four new inventions at MedTrade. The company will also be offering what it says is an “amazing” show special and will showcase new retail point of purchase displays for increasing cash sales. Booth 514.
Medi USA says it plans on using Medtrade Fall to build on its presence at past shows and showcasing its products. The company is inviting providers to visit its booth to participate in interactive DME experiences. Booth 1053.