, has some insights on that and
some very strong reasons why they need
to take a closer look.
For starters, if a DME pharmacy thinks
it might not be the right “type” of business,
it’s taking the wrong approach. Trumm says there is no single wound care
business model when it comes to DME.
Rather, a wound care practice will be reflective
of a pharmacy or DME provider’s
marketplace, payer mix, referral partners
and patient mix.
“There isn’t an ideal wound care DME
dealer out there,” Trumm says. “They all
look kind of different … no two providers
are the same out there.
But there is one truism about wound
care that is universal for DME pharmacies
and providers: it is a largely untapped
care and business opportunity. Furthermore,
the opportunity goes ignored
because there are some central misunderstandings
about wound care’s complexity
of product offerings and supplies,
profitability, and documentation.
“Wound care is underserved,” Trumm
says. “And I believe it’s underserved
because — and I hear this from a lot of
people — there’s a lot of product SKUs
and there’s no money in it. … What they
don’t understand is that you can make it
more simple than it looks.”
Trumm explains that while there
might be something like 10,000 SKUs for
the dressings alone, VGM Wound Care
guides DME pharmacies and providers
through a step-by-step process to
research the right dressings for their
market and patients.
“So, yes, there are 10,000 SKUs out
there for dressings, but what we teach
them how to streamline, just focusing on
roughly 10, 12 of them,” she says. “It’s a
guided hand-holding process that we
take them through.”
When it comes to profitability, Trumm
says VGM Wound Care provides a wound
care calculator on its portal that, while
not a profitability calculator, does help
them start to paint a financial picture for
a potential wound care practice.
“They can actually visually see what
the reimbursement, what the gross profit
is going to be, and what the gross margins
are going to be,” she says. “So they
can use that to answer those questions
right away.”
For people who might not necessarily
have access to that calculator, the
numbers side of wound care can start to
paint a much more attractive picture than
they might have initially had in mind. For
instance, in the dressing market, Trumm
says the gross margins can be anywhere
from 15 percent to 25 percent (ish), which
are pretty solid figures. Suffice it to
say, there’s a viable business model for
simple dressings and other reimbursable
wound care products.
Another point of pushback on wound
care is documentation because providers
and pharmacies believe would care
entails a high level of claims documentation.
“Some of the people I talk to will say,
‘Oh my gosh, there’s so much documentation,’”
she says. “But if they if they’re
already doing rehab, or they’re doing
therapeutic support services, it’s no different;
it’s just as much documentation.
So I would say, when you really look at it,
there isn’t any more documentation than
some of the other categories that you
deal with for DME.”
One last point of pushback about wound
care is the nature of the care itself: taking
care of wounds can be kind of, well,
intimidating because we’re talking about
wounds. However, Trumm says that even
that trepidation is misplaced.
“They don’t have to physically touch
the patient,” she says, adding that VGM
Wound care offers education that helps
them understand how to work with
patients and referrals to provide the right
items and instruction. “We help them
understand it so that it’s not so scary.”
And a way that VGM wound care does
that is through a partnership with Healiant
Wound Solutions, which offers educational
programs designed to empower
clinicians and commercial associates.
Healiant provides certification for the nonclinician
and the clinician as well. The nonclinician
certification program is called
the Advanced Wound Product Specialist
(AWPS), and together VGM and Healiant
offer a virtual, on-demand education
program designed to train non-clinicians.
The course cover’s the same material that
certified wound care clinicians are trained
“They provide kind of a Wound Care
Boot Camp,” Trumm says, so that DME pharmacy and provider staff understand
the different types of wound care, how to
select the right dressings, and generally
expand their expertise when it comes to
wound care.
“We developed Wound Care Boot
Camp to provide a no-cost, high quality,
on-demand on-ramp for all caregivers
and organizations who want to take their
next step in becoming a ‘wound hero.’
Whether you are a patient, lay caregiver,
nurse, therapist, NP or physician…if you
are interested in wound care, this is a
great place to start,” says Josh Heuchan,
founder and managing director, Healiant
Training Solutions.
Additionally, VGM Wound Care recently
released a Wound Care Program Guide
that helps VGM members assess whether
or not they should add a wound care
program to their business, and if so, how to
launch and develop that wound care program.
It also provides additional resources
and contacts. VGM members can download
a copy of the Wound Care Program
Guide from the members-only portal. VGM
Wound Care is also developing a companion
for the Program Guide that focuses on
the wound care vendor partners available
to VGM members and how they can offer
support in the wound care space.
“This Wound Care Program Guide is
designed to help our members, who are
part of something bigger, develop and
grow their wound and skincare business,”
Trumm explains. “The home medical
equipment community provides patient-focused
care every day. Implementing a
skin and wound care program within your
HME business means you are providing
positive outcomes for your patients and
touching lives.”
To help relate all this information to
reimbursement, Trumm works with her
colleague Ronda Buhrmester, senior
director of Payer Relations & Reimbursement
at VGM to provide an hour-long
“Wound Care 101” course in which
Trumm discusses the care aspects of
various dressings and other products,
and then Burhrmester covers the various
reimbursement requirements for the
related items per Medicare.
“To me, the more that they are
educated and the more that they get
entrenched into wound care, the more
successful they will be, the more referrals
they will get,” Trumm says. “They will
be looked at by their referral sources as
local solutions providers that know the
patients already.”
Regardless of any points of hesitation,
wound care is an important care segment
because while it might seem a little
daunting or scary due to potential complexity
or the very nature of the care —
wounds — it’s pretty clear that many of
the clients with whom a DME pharmacy
or provider will be working either has or
will have a wound. In fact, there are a lot
of clients that need wound care. Trumm
offers seniors as a good example:
“Older adult patients are at risk
because the fat content in their skin
decreases,” she says. “Older people get
skin tears so easily because we lose fatty
tissue in our skin as we age.”
“The diabetic population is another
population that is at high risk for wounds,
because of neuropathy; they can’t feel,”
Trumm continues. “And with diabetes,
you’re going to heal slower than a person
that doesn’t have diabetes. Also, with
diabetes, you could have a cardiovascular
component as well. You probably have
some venous issues or some arterial issues
that compound the problem, which
therefore decrease the wound healing
even further.”
Another good group of clients for
wound care is patients using long-term
oxygen therapy because they typically
also have comorbidities, Trumm says.
“When these folks get a wound —
maybe they hit their foot or bump
their arm — if they’re on oxygen, then
obviously they’re not getting their own
oxygen for a reason,” she explains. “The
body needs twice the amount of oxygen
in the first phase of wound healing to
heal a wound. So if they are depleted
with any oxygen, it’s going to take them
longer to heal.”
If anything, the list of client groups
that potentially need wound care from
a DME pharmacy quickly stretches to
cover people with any type of peripheral
arterial disease, cardiovascular disease,
venous disease, and any of those with
“So those are some great examples,
and I think they really show that wound
care applies to really anyone that providers
are serving,” Trumm explains.