Activa® Men’s Microfiber Dress Socks are knitted with ultra-fine microfibers for a soft feel and comfortable breathability. The firm 20-30 mmHg support relieves leg fatigue, swelling in the ankle and foot as well as mild varicosities. An attractive pin stripe pattern makes the socks ideal to wear to work. Available in black, gray or tan. Visit or contact FLA Orthopedics for more information.
Graduated compression hosiery exerts an external pressure that is greater at the ankle and reduces at the calf and thigh, increasing the blood velocity within the deep venous system.
Simple lightweight compression supports help provide stability and circular compression to control swelling and retain warmth to soothe stretched or weakened muscles and tendons, which aids the healing process. Some people also use compression as a conservative “reminder” to help protect and prevent re-injury to a weakened joint.
Compression Stockings
Varicose veins are visibly enlarged veins that are often bluish in color and may appear twisted. —Sigvaris
Thoracic Compression Vest
Wearing socks and stockings that are specially designed to support your veins and to increase circulation in your legs is considered compression therapy.
Compression Stockings
Compression socks and stockings are most effective when used in conjunction with a regular exercise program such as walking. —Sigvaris
Breast Binders
How Compression Can Help Your Clients