HME Business Podcast, Michael Lorenz, vice president of resupply software for Brightree, joins the podcast to describe the technology behind no-touch resupply, how it radically refines workflows, and what kinds of business efficiencies and care benefits providers can reap through this innovation.
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In the previous episode, Steve Ackerman, CEO of Spectrum Medical Supply, explains how just as the delta variant is starting to impact post-acute care, HME providers’ costs began ramping up, as well. Then he discusses what needs to be done to address the situation on a broader industry scale, as well as how providers can protect businesses in the meantime.
The HMEB Podcast examines essential news, trends, and developments and interviews industry experts to find out how HME provider owners and operators can run efficient, profitable, and growing businesses with an eye on patient care. Make sure to subscribe on Apple Podcast, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts, and start listening today!