SAN DIEGO — ResMed announced further progress in its ongoing efforts to improve the lives of sleep apnea patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). As part of this initiative, ResMed will attend the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Annual Meeting to educate heart failure nurses on new technologies and methods for treating sleep apnea and improving therapy compliance in CVD patients.
A special focus for the exhibition will be a luncheon presentation about the VPAP Adapt SV™, a therapy device that received FDA clearance for the treatment of central sleep apnea (CSA), mixed apnea and periodic breathing such as Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR).
The comorbidity of SDB and CVD has been cited in peer reviewed publications in The New England Journal of Medicine, Circulation, European Heart Journal and others. These publications show sleep apnea prevalence in CVD patients to be approximately 50 percent. Research also shows that treating sleep apnea can significantly improve treatment outcomes for CVD patients. Patient compliance, however, is essential to the success of sleep apnea treatment.
To address compliance issues, ResMed has been working to develop new solutions for CVD patients with sleep apnea. The VPAP Adapt SV effectively treats difficult forms of SDB-CSA, mixed apnea and CSR-in a way that is comfortable and clinically effective for patients in their homes.
“Previously, our goal was to educate health care professionals on the high prevalence of sleep apnea among CVD patients,” stated Mick Farrell, vice president of marketing, Americas. “Now that the health care community recognizes the severe impacts of sleep apnea on their patients, our goal has shifted toward helping them treat sleep apnea effectively. The VPAP Adapt SV represents a significant breakthrough for patients with CSA, mixed sleep apnea and CSR, and fulfills the need of the medical community for a comprehensive treatment solution for these patients.”
ResMed will exhibit at booth #1765 at the AAHFN 2006 in Miami. The session takes place June 22-25. ResMed will host a special luncheon presentation on Thursday, June 22, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Brooke Harding at ResMed Corp at
(858) 746-2400 x2579 or Visit the company’s Web site at