Education definitely requires an investment of both time and money. But how does that investment compare to the many positive effects that education can have on an HME provider’s customers, referral partners, and payers?
In a new HME Business podcast, Matt Gruskin, COO of the Board of Certification and Accreditation (BOC), explains why he thinks education is such a valuable and worthwhile commitment.
“Educated providers are able to train patients better, they’re able to speak toward proper usage — cleaning, for example — and other types of care of the DMEPOS device, and ultimately, the patient’s going to feel more comfortable using whatever that prescribed medical equipment is,” Gruskin explained.
“Educated providers are going to educate patients better, and ultimately, that’s going to promote safety.”
Gruskin added that education benefits providers from a business owner perspective. “It’s really going to help with patient compliance, ultimately,” he said. “The patient’s going to use [the equipment] more, and if the patient’s going to use it more because they understand it more, it’s going to translate to better outcomes. So your referral partners and payers are going to be happy.”
Listen to this latest episode and check out the rest of the HME Business podcast center.