A successful obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) strategy can help patients, who benefit from better clinical outcomes, as well as providers, who can benefit from more efficient and streamlined OSA workflows, increased profitability and greater satisfaction from referral sources.
But creating such a strategy and workflow can be labor intensive for providers who have so many other daily responsibilities and product segments to simultaneously manage.
A Jan. 22 webinar, sponsored by sovaSage, will introduce the company’s new patient management platform and its innovative solutions, including the all-new Ready Set Go Virtual PAP Setup Platform & Service, the cutting-edge Jeanie Compliance Management Software & Service, and the TherapistAssist SmartFit Mask Fitting Tool.
“The Future Is Now: OSA Patient Management for 2030 & Beyond” will give attendees the opportunity to explore a new approach to PAP patient management in a way designed to improve patient adherence and patient satisfaction. Along the way, providers will also learn how to establish quality metrics to refine the patient management process.
Registration for the one-hour webinar, starting at 2 p.m. Eastern time on Wed., Jan. 22, is free. The educational session will include a Q&A portion. The webinar will also be available to view on demand.