An efficient home medical equipment (HME) resupply system can be a vital component of outstanding customer service. It can support greater patient adherence by making sure patients have the supplies they need, when they need them, without a ton of effort on their part.
But resupply is more than just delivering supplies on a timely schedule. A successful resupply business must comply with regulations describing, for example, when providers can — and cannot — contact patients. A great resupply model meets patients where they are and offers choices of how and when patients want to communicate.
In the latest HME Business podcast, Mike Lorenz of Brightree discusses how a successful resupply system can elevate an HME provider by robustly protecting patient data, strengthening relationships with referral sources, and supporting the care plans put in place by physicians.
Listen to this episode and check out the rest of the HME Business podcast lineup.