The Medicare DME MACs have announced appearances at upcoming events.
The DME MACs — Noridian Healthcare Solutions (Jurisdictions A and D) and CGS Administrators (Jurisdictions B and C) — will be in booth 1058 at Medtrade in Dallas, March 27-28.
They’re also presenting three educational sessions: “DME MAC Contractor Updates: Latest Information Based on 2023 CERT Improper Payment Report” (March 27, 10 a.m.); “CGS Update on Processes/Website and More” (March 27, 11:15 a.m.); and “Noridian Update on Processes/Website and More” (March 27, 12 noon).
CGS Administrators LLC is also hosting three Jurisdiction B DME MAC Roadshow events in April.
The three events are scheduled for Cincinnati (April 23); Indianapolis (April 24); and Louisville, Kentucky (April 25). Registration for each event is $55.
“These half-day workshops include a comprehensive look at Medicare updates, journey of a claim, and documentation requirements,” the March 15 announcement from CGS said.