Too often, the art of delegation is looked upon as dumping and is not viewed positively. As a good chef would say, “It is all in the presentation.” In other words, the key to effective delegation is communication and training.
Practicing effective delegation is more of an art than a science. It is the most important, if not the most effective technique for getting work done through other people. According to most management publications, the primary responsibility of the manager is to get work done through other people. Effective delegation is the act of giving someone else the responsibility and authority to carry out an assignment or to represent you or your organization in a specific role. Some people expand the definition to include the sharing of responsibilities with others in the company when it is appropriate.
It is important that you have the right attitude for delegation. You must be willing to spend the time training people for the art of delegating. You must remove the fear that often presents itself when you train someone to do exactly what you do-the fear that if you are successful, you might be replaced. The truth is that effective delegation leads to opportunities for you as well as the people who report to you. Remember that teamwork and collaboration are in and hierarchy is out. The manager who develops the talents and abilities of others and increases their productivity becomes one of the organization’s most valued assets.
Most managers fail to monitor delegation because they don’t realize the importance of delegation in terms of the development of their people. The employee is anxiously awaiting direction, and if needed, additional training. People want to feel empowered. Delegating is an excellent opportunity for managers to exhibit their coaching skills. Mentoring and coaching skills should include gap bridging. Most inexperienced managers have the most difficulty with mastering delegation skills. To be effective using this skill, you must set obtainable goals. Be patient, and as Vince Lombardi said, “practice, practice, practice.” When you coach for improved performance, you communicate that you care-about the person, the organization and the customer. It is important that you make feedback specific to behavior. You must make sure that the person to whom you are delegating takes ownership in terms of accountability and responsibility. Effective leadership generates productivity.
Performance improvement must be continuous for your staff even though not everyone has the required skills. You will have people who cannot demonstrate continuous improvement. You must be willing to change yourself and also find a way to encourage others to change. Delegation is one of the most valuable instruments to help initiate change, and it is a skill that needs to be learned and developed.
The following tips can help you delegate more effectively:
1. Value
Delegation is one of the most valuable training tools available to the manager. A manager must make it a valuable experience for all parties involved. It is important that the manager not overlook delegation as one of the most important developmental tools and make delegation skills part of the employee’s developmental plan.
2. Motivation
Delegation can be one of the best motivational tools available to a manager. Most people today seek out additional responsibilities that expand their knowledge. Providing a developmental plan for an employee is one of the best methods for retaining good employees.
3. Time Management
Delegation is the key ingredient to time management and allows the manager to concentrate on the important tasks, not just the urgent tasks. The use of a planning and administration system that allows you to track delegated assignments can improve performance and communication.
4. Maximize
Delegation can help maximize the interests, strengths and contribution of both the employee and the team. Encouraging an employee to reach his or her potential is essential to his or her growth and development.
5. Multiplier of Productivity
Delegation can be a multiplier of productivity. Productivity and performance improvement are key components to a results-oriented culture. Make sure you understand the metrics involved with each delegated assignment and the desired follow through is formulated upfront.
6. Planning
Delegation takes planning. Make a special plan for delegation by listing all of your tasks and then creating categories such as the things only you can do, things that can be simplified, things that can be eliminated and things that can be delegated. Remember to simplify, eliminate or delegate. You must plan your steps and determine deadlines for each step with the delegated assignment.
7. Monitor Progress
Delegation must be monitored. You must monitor the results of your delegation. Monthly one-on-ones to review delegated assignments is a must. Make sure the employee is charting his or her progress daily.
8. Set Levels
Set levels of delegation and formulate goals to move as many people as possible to the highest level. These levels must be based on ability and training and the top level should result in empowerment.
9. Challenge the Potential
Consider delegation to be the greatest challenge for you to develop your employees’ potential and to use more of their abilities. Succeeding with these challenges will move the entire organization forward.
10. Feedback
Provide feedback on performance and make it a continuous process. This should be done routinely with performance evaluations and subsequent developmental plans of action. Feedback must be given daily, weekly or monthly. Communication is the key to organizational success in a results-oriented culture.