The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has announced 106 new Medicare Accountable Care Organizations bringing the total number of ACOs to more than 250 under Medicare, and more than 500 overall, including private insurers, the VGM Group Inc. reports.
The move indicates that performance-based payer models like ACOs are gaining serious momentum, and that this presents a significant opportunity to DME providers, according to Alan Morris, director of Alternate Care Programs at VGM Group.
“Many DME referral sources are seeing these value-based payment models as very appealing,” Morris said. “As DME providers, we now have the opportunity to prove ourselves to our referral sources as being more valuable by reducing readmission rates, and improving overall patient outcomes.”
Bearing that in mind, VGM Alternate Care has developed Outcomes Plus, a bundle of programs and services powered by an alliance of VGM partner companies. to assist DME providers looking to prove value to referral sources and work toward developing strategic partnerships with ACOs.
VGM Outcomes Plus helps DME providers provide measurable data and deliverable programs to help their referral sources meet their goals, Morris explained.