Accrediting Organizations for DMEPOS
Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc.
4700 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 280
Raleigh, NC 27609
Approved for Categories: All DME, respiratory, orthotics, rehabilitation technology suppliers and medical supply providers.
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics, Inc.
330 John Carlyle Street, Suite 210
Alexandra, VA 22314
Approved for Categories: Comprehensive orthotics, comprehensive prosthetics, prefabricated custom-fitted orthotics, post-mastectomy prosthetics, non-custom therapeutic shoes, comprehensive therapeutic shoes, ocular prosthetics, facial prosthetics, somatic prosthetics, ancillary assistive ambulatory devices (canes, walkers, crutches) for those suppliers who qualify for O&P accreditation.
Board of Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification
7150 Columbia Gateway Dr., Suite G
Columbia, MD 21045
Approved for Categories: All orthotics, prosthetics, pedorthics; DME, all Respiratory and POV.
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
4891 E. Grant Road
Tucson, AZ 85712
Approved for Categories: Commodes, urinals, bedpans; heat and cold applications; hospital beds and accessories; infrared heating pad systems; ostomy supplies; suction pumps; surgical dressings; traction equipment; urological supplies; diabetic shoes/inserts; orthoses: custom and off-the-shelf; limb prostheses; speech-generating devices; voice prosthetics; canes and crutches; patient lifts; power-operated vehicles (scooters); seat lift mechanisms; walkers; wheelchairs: manual, power, complex rehabilitative, options, accessories, seating; enteral nutrition solutions, equipment, and supplies; continuous passive motion devices; contracture treatment devices: dynamic splint; diabetics: blood glucose monitors, equipment, supplies, mail order; negative pressure wound therapy: pumps, equipment, supplies; neuromuscular electrical stimulators; osteogenesis stimulators; pneumatic compression devices; support surfaces: pressure-reducing beds, mattresses, overlays, pads; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators; ultraviolet light devices.
Community Health Accreditation Program
1300 19th Street NW, Suite 150
Washington, D.C. 20036
Approved for Categories: Diabetic supplies, canes, crutches, walkers, commode chairs, hospital beds, traction equipment. Appendix A: Respiratory equipment, supplies, and services; oxygen concentrators, reservoirs, high-pressure cylinders, oxygen accessories and supplies, oxygen conserving devices, home invasive mechanical ventilators, continuous positive airway devices (RAD), intermittent positive pressure breathing devices, nebulizers. Appendix B: Manual wheelchairs and power mobility devices, including complex rehab and assistive technology; PMDs: power wheelchairs, power-operated vehicles and accessories; manual wheelchairs; standard recliners; heavy-duty wheelchairs; standard lightweight wheelchairs; hemi wheelchairs; armrests; leg rests/footplates. Appendix C: Custom-fabricated, custom-fitted, custom-made orthotics, prosthetic devices; somatic, ocular and facial prosthetics; therapeutic shoes and inserts.
The Compliance Team, Inc.
P.O. Box 160
905 Sheble Lane, Suite 102
Spring House, PA 19477
Approved for Categories: All mail-order and home-delivery durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies; home dialysis supplies; therapeutic shoes and inserts.
HealthCare Quality Association on Accreditation
P.O. Box 1946
217 West 4th Street
Waterloo, IA 50702
Approved for Categories: All DME and custom orthotics.
601 13th Street, NW
Suite 1150N
Washington, D.C. 20005
Approved for Categories: All products and services described in Section 1834(a) (13) of the Act, Prosthetic devices, orthotics and prosthetics described in Section 1834(h) of the Act; and items described in Section 1842(s) (2) of the Act.
The National Board of Accreditation for Orthotic Suppliers
401 N. Michigan Ave.
22nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60611
Approved for Categories All orthotics; walkers, crutches, canes, dressings, hot/cold applications.
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
6701 Democracy Boulevard, Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20817
Approved for Categories: DME diabetic products and supplies; enteral and parenteral nutrients and supplies; off-the-shelf products and supplies: respiratory, urological, mobility aids, wound care and medical non-custom orthotics and prosthetics.